Reviews & Ratings
2013 St Urbans Hof Riesling "Laurentiuslay Leiwen Spatlese"

Winery: St Urbans Hof
Vintage: 2013
Wine Name/Vineyard: "Laurentiuslay Leiwen Spatlese"
Wine Category: Riesling
Grape blend: 100% Riesling
Bottle size: 750 ml
Region: Mosel
State or country: Germany
Price: $48
Cases produced: 25
KWG Score: 92.5 (based on 2 reviews)
Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (92)
Review date: December 3, 2014
Wine Review: This almost clear color Riesling opens with an attractive cinnamon apple bouquet with a hint of peach. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied, crisp, pleasantly sweet, and lively. The flavor profile is a tasty lemon iced tea with hints of green melon and tangerine. The finish remains sweet and its flavors linger for a while. This Riesling is very tasty. I would pair it with sharp cheddar cheese. Enjoy - Ken
Winemaker Notes: Not Available
Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell St. Urbans Hof 2013 Laurentiuslay Spatlese Riesling.