Reviews & Ratings
2020 Maison L'Envoye French - Beaujolais "Fleurie Chateau Vivier Monopole"

Winery: Maison L'Envoye
Vintage: 2020
Wine Name/Vineyard: "Fleurie Chateau Vivier Monopole"
Wine Category: French - Beaujolais
Grape blend: 100% Gamay
Bottle size: 750 ml
Region: Beaujolais
State or country: France
Price: $20
Cases produced: 625
KWG Score: 90 (based on 2 reviews)
Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (91)
Review date: November 11, 2022
Wine Review: This darkish red colored Gamay from the Fleurie commune opens with a red cherry and red plum bouquet with hints of gentle craisin. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied with integrated medium acidity. The mouthfeel is nicely balanced, smooth, seamless, and very easy to drink. The flavor profile is red fruit driven, featuring red plum and strawberry blend with notes of gentle red raspberry. I also picked up some hints of cinnamon and a touch of cranberry in the mix. This crowd-pleasing and very affordable Beaujolais will not last long at your holiday gatherings. Especially Thanksgiving. Enjoy - Ken
Winemaker Notes: Not Available
Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Maison L'Envoye 2020 Fleurie.